Youth Award Pins

General Information

Youth badges and pins can be achieved at any major outdoor tournament where a youth has competed at their relevant World Archery (WA) or Youth distance.

The postal round badge system can be claimed through club shoots, once a month, and do not have to be at a registered tournament.

Badges and pins may be claimed as long as the archer shoots in their correct age group or a higher age group at a registered major tournament or national event.

Download and read the poster and download that for your club to clarify any of the information you need!


Each badge and pin costs $10.

Payment can be paid in cash, cheque, or via online banking (Kiwibank 38-9015-0468141-01 include ‘Surname’ and ‘Youth Pins’ in payment details)

The claim form can be downloaded or submitted here:


Each claim form must be accompanied by an original or copy of the scoresheet. The claim form should be filled out correctly, and more than one claim can be made per claim form. The scoresheet must be signed by all parties, with perfects clearly outlined by the judge, and the claims entered into the claim box. If the scoresheet does not have a claim box the claims should be written somewhere on the scoresheet. The exception is the postal badge system where the claim form only needs to be signed by the club Youth coordinator.

All badges can be claimed only once, unless claiming for a broken badge. In this case the badge should either be posted back or a photo should be sent to the Youth Awards Registrar. A replacement will be sent. If badges are lost (or stolen) an archer is able to purchase new replacement badges or pins.

Those shooting in the U18 and U21 divisions are also eligible to claim WA badges and pins.

Claims are to be sent to: [email protected]