
The role of being an Archery Judge 

Do you enjoy helping and interacting with your fellow archers? Do you love helping out? Then we need you! We're looking for more judges all over New Zealand.

Please fill out the online application form here: https://forms.gle/cQRYhEQUDToXrYB37

As an overview, a Judge is there to ensure that the tournament is run in a proper and correct manner, and to ensure that no one archer is in any way disadvantaged by the actions of other archers or officials.

A judge needs to:

  • Ensure the safety of all persons involved.
  • Check the field of play to ensure that it complies with WA/ANZ regulations.
  • Set up any lights/timing equipment that is needed and give support to the organizing committee.
  • Ensure all targets and target faces are correct and within any allowable tolerances.
  • Be conversant with the latest sets of rules, and or have a good knowledge of where to go to find any rules that may come into question.
  • Ensure that the rules applicable to the event are being followed and applied.
  • Educate archers on rules and regulations.
  • Always make yourself approachable to the archers.
  • Cooperate with and be an additional set of eyes for the DOS and fellow judges
  • Make line calls, validate claims / records etc.
  • Know the correct procedures to follow in the event of equipment failures, bounce outs, pass through arrows etc.
  • Stay in the background and always be ready to act in a manner which does not show bias to or against any archer.
  • Always act in a professional manner, and ensure that your actions have no adverse impact on the image of Archery New Zealand.

If you're interested in becoming a judge, you need to fill out a form: https://forms.gle/cQRYhEQUDToXrYB37. You need to be a member of Archery NZ (you can be a non-shooting member), and your club needs to send a letter of support to [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you!

For current judges, a series of useful documents is held on the downloads (blue strip to the right) which may come in handy.

Judge Contacts

Technical Support 

Clive Hudson

email: [email protected] 

Judge Registrar

Logan Andrew

email: [email protected]

Tournament Registrar

Anne Mitchell

email: [email protected]