Affiliate your Club

From October 2022 onwards, clubs can choose to formally affiliate with Archery NZ. This strengthens the partnership between Archery NZ and archery clubs, and brings substantial benefits to club organisations and to club members. Background on this is in the Archery NZ Constitution.

Individual members may affiliate separately to Archery NZ if their club does not wish to affiliate, or if they are not a member of a NZ archery club. (See the “Join Archery NZ” page for details.)

To affiliate, a club pays a fee to Archery NZ based on the size of the club, counting each of its full shooting and non-shooting members. In accordance with the Incorporated Societies Act 2022, club members must provide consent to take up Archery NZ membership as well as their archery club membership. The club pays the affiliation fee for all of its members regardless of whether those members consent and become Archery NZ members. The fee is related to the total size of the club, not to the joining processes of individual club members. The affiliation fee process is described in Archery NZ's Administration Rules.

Affiliation expands participation opportunities for club members, as club members are eligible for competitions, award badges and pins, achievement programmes, leagues, records and ranking, professional development (coaching/judging/DOS), training camps, seminars, and have a say in the way the national body operates. Through access to these activities, members can become more experienced, supported, network better, and be able to provide more value back to clubs as volunteers.

Clubs also benefit from a new national committee with the aim of providing policy guidance, operations and process guidance, operations templates, development support and a facilitated quarterly Clubs Forum. This provides the opportunity for Affiliated Clubs to network well and learn from best-practice developments across the sport. 


Affiliate here

A club representative may fill out this form to affiliate with Archery NZ.



Suggested wording for member consent is below for addition to club membership processes.

The waiver and indemnification agreement applies to both memberships and Archery NZ-organised events.


Archery NZ membership consent

All members of this Affiliated Club are eligible to become full members of Archery NZ (Full Member - Shooting or Full Member - Non-Shooting based on your club membership type). As a club member, you do not need to pay any additional fees yourself to Archery NZ for this membership. In order to receive full membership rights and benefits as set out in the Archery NZ Constitution (, you must consent to this membership (below). With your consent, the club will share the following information with Archery NZ to activate your membership: name, date of birth, gender, bow division, competition class, contact details, ethnicity, and optional information on disabilities or handicaps that may support your participation in a para-archery division (collectively your “Personal Information”). The club will also provide de-identified information about the number and type of our members to Archery NZ as part of the affiliation process. You have the right under the Privacy Act 2020 to access and update your Personal Information, which you can do on Archery NZ’s membership portal ( Please note that even if you do not consent to receive Archery NZ membership, the club pays an affiliation fee to Archery NZ on your behalf. 


Waiver and Indemnification

In consideration of the acceptance of my membership or participation in events with Archery NZ: 

  1. I waive all claims that I may have against Archery NZ Inc, its officers, directors, members, volunteers, employees, agents and sponsors, or its executors, administrators, heirs, successors or assigns (the organisers), and release them from all claims for death, injury or damage arising out of my participation in their club, their event and its related activities, together with any costs, including legal fees.

  2. I agree to indemnify and keep indemnified the organisers against damage arising out of my participation in the events and their related activities. 

  3. I agree to comply with all the rules, regulations and instructions of the organisers. 

  4. In the event of injury or illness during participation, I consent to receive medical treatment, which may be deemed advisable by the organisers.

  5. I acknowledge that I have sole responsibility for my personal possessions and equipment during all the events and activities.

  6. I am aware that photos and videos of me may be taken during Archery NZ events and activities and I hereby permit the reasonable use of these images and my name in Archery NZ-related broadcasts, telecasts, press and websites, provided I have the right to ask Archery NZ to remove my name and picture, or cease using my name and picture altogether, and Archery NZ will comply in relation to any media that it controls.

  7. I understand that my membership or entry fee is non-transferable and not refundable. 

  8. I agree to have my personal details recorded and used by Archery NZ and related parties for communications of future related events. 


I consent to my Personal Information being provided to Archery NZ in order to become a full member of Archery NZ, agree to the Waiver and Indemnification, and agree to abide by the Constitution, Rules and Policies of Archery NZ. (Yes/No) 



Please refer to the FAQ around Affiliated Clubs, or contact [email protected].