Summer Postal League in full swing!

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Summer Postal League in full swing!

Summer Postal League in full swing!

2 March, 2023

As an incentive to our novice and development archers (and our experienced archers who like a challenge) Archery NZ is running the summer outdoor league for individuals this year. It will run for 15 weeks until 20 May and it is currently in full swing, with lots of archers around the country really enjoying it!

The full rules and information can be found on this page, as well as on the entry page in ArcheryOSA.

To Enter please go here:

It is a self-register, self-score system, so we hope you will be honest, but we can also help enter your scores for you or we can nominate one person in your club to fill out the scores for you - please email [email protected] and we can help you with this.

The system is designed to take your top ten scores for the competition. If you miss a week, don't panic! You can shoot ten out of the fifteen and still be eligible for the prizes. The system also calculates the overall championship and the handicap as follows:

a. The Overall Championship shall be determined based on the highest aggregate score of each archer's top 10 submitted scores.
b. The Handicapped Championship shall be determined based on the highest number of Points, awarded as follows:
i. An archer's handicap for each week is calculated = (360 - mean average of previous rounds shot to date in the calendar year). This handicap is added to the archers score to give an adjusted total.
ii. Points are awarded based on the adjusted totals as follows. There shall be no tie breaks - archers finishing on the same score shall be declared of equal position

Points are calculated each week.

If you have any questions let us know, and good luck shooting!