Service and Life Awards 2018/19

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Service and Life Awards 2018/19

Service and Life Awards 2018/19

3 September, 2018

Well we are getting to that time of the year where preparation for the 2019 AGM is starting to occur. So the first items on the list are recognising those who have devoted much time and energy to our sport in the form of Service Awards & Life Memberships. We are also interested in nominations for theĀ 2018 Archery NZ Coach of the year.

Please find attached covering letters and forms for each of these. Service Award nominations are due by 1st October and Life Membership nominations due 3rd November.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Robyn Denton

[email protected]

Service Award Nomination Form

Life Membership Nomination Form

Archery NZ Coach of the Year Nomination Form