Ballot Proposal

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Ballot Proposal

1 December, 2017

Proposed change to Treasurer Role 

The Treasurer role was not filled at the Archery NZ AGM 2017 and we have been lucky to have Anne Mitchell undertake the role in an ‘acting capacity’ outside of the Board.  This has meant that Anne has not been involved in the day to day operations and decision making of the Associations Executive or Board this year.

At the June meeting of the Board Anne joined the meeting to discuss the Treasurer role and how this could operate in the future. 

It was agreed that the Treasurer does not need to have a governance role nor archery experience.  They should being advising the governance team and have a strong financial background and skills.  Anne has found it very productive undertaking the Acting Treasurer role ‘outside’ the board due to the ability to focus solely on the financials of the Association and not be distracted by all of the other work an Executive Board position entails.

It was further recommended that the Treasurer role be changed to being a 2 person financial management team who are appointed by the board for a 2 year period.  It would be proposed to alternate the appointment periods so that one member of the team always has at least one year of experience.

It was therefore agreed by the Board that a change should be made to the Constitution to reflect these recommendations.

Members will be asked to vote on the following motion via a postal ballot that will open on 28 December 2017 and close 12 January 2018.


That the role of Treasurer be removed from the Archery NZ Executive and Board and that 2 Financial Officer roles be established which will be appointed by the Board each alternate year for a period of 2 years each. That these changes be reflected in the Archery NZ Constitution.