ArcheryNZ Performance Coach Course

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ArcheryNZ Performance Coach Course

20 March, 2017

Could This Be You?


Date 3, 4 and 5 June 2017

Location: Wellington

This course is open to coaches from all regions.

Following the successful roll-out of Foundation and Development Coach courses across New Zealand, the ArcheryNZ Performance Coach course is now available for members who are enthusiastic about developing athletes to perform in competitions.


What is this course about?

The Performance Coaches work with the archers in their District who are targeting national and international competitions. It is intended that Performance Coaches are involved in talent identification for their district, and to be involved in running athlete training camps within the regions.

This course will be three full days in duration, including exams, and assessed units for each module.

This is an opportunity to take a step up to the next level, and therefore provide an enhanced level of skill to the New Zealand archers of the future, and be part of the accelerated learning programme for our sport.


Who qualifies to be a Performance Coach?

Candidates must be members of Archery NZ and generally will have at least two years’ prior experience as a Development Coach.  However, prior knowledge and learning can be taken into account, as can prior high performance athletes.

We invite the coaching leaders of tomorrow to register their interest in this course.


ArcheryNZ Performance Coach Course Applications 

Sign up with the online form on the Archery NZ Coach Accreditation web page:

Enquiries to Pam Gordon: [email protected]

Cost: $100 payable with entry to reserve position

Applications Close: 10pm, Friday May 12th, 2017