Covid-19 Update

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Covid-19 Update

4 May, 2020

Dear Members and Clubs

I hope you all had a good first week at Alert Level 3 and are well.

I thought I would give you a quick update on what is happening with sport and government currently and how it affects us.·      

Today Cabinet meet to decide what Alert Level 2 will look like. The PM will be holding a conference at 4pm where I expect she will announce this.

Later this week Sport NZ will add detail on what that means for sport.

Following release of that detail we will be translating that into what that means for Archery.

It will include guidelines, messaging for members and contact tracing guidelines.

Next Monday Cabinet will decide on whether to stay at Level 3 or whether we go to Level 2

I am in weekly briefings with Sport NZ and in contact with them regularly advocating for Archery.

So, a big week for NZ, Sport and Archery.

I will be in touch over the course of the week and beyond as things develop.

You will hear from us soon.

