A Guide to Tournaments

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A Guide to Tournaments

A Guide to Tournaments

8 April, 2021

Both Archers and Organising Clubs can find it hard to discover which tournaments are which, and what to do for them, and what level of membership is required.

Archery NZ has put together a handy guide on the types of competitions available in NZ and beyond, and what your club can do to set them up, and what archers can do to prepare or join in on them. You can read it at https://www.archerynz.co.nz/tournament/guide-to-tournaments/

There are handy links to the rules of different tournaments, links to the registration page for tournaments and the ArcheryOSA site for upcoming major and minor events.

Andrew Russell, Events Manager and Board Member, has also put together two documents on how to set up a club calendar for events at your club, and how to set up your club for a tournament. Both are handy PDFs which you can download and read to help you and your club throughout the year.

For clubs throughout the country, have you thought about putting on Registered Minor Tournaments during this winter and coming into next year? If you aren't able to get a judge for a major tournament, and want to try tournaments without the pressure or cost of a major, an RMT might be the thing for you! There is a new online registration form for the RMTs on the Register your Tournament page, and remember you can shoot any round at the RMT that is available in the Shooting Rules - that means your archers can claim Merit pins (including Clout if you have registered your Clout as an RMT) - and achievement pins such as perfect pins.'

Good luck archers, and good luck clubs!