2016 JAMA 720 Postal Tournaments

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2016 JAMA 720 Postal Tournaments

26 April, 2016

A 720 Postal tournament has been created to provide more opportunities for junior archers to participate in 720 tournaments throughout the year. The 720 Postal will comprise of 4 separate tournaments (3 in 2016) over the year. Archers can opt to shoot in just one or two of the tournaments, or to participate in all the tournaments. Archers who shoot in all the tournaments will be eligible for the overall winner category which will be awarded to the archer in each bow type with the highest combined score over all events of the series.

Format will be as follows:

4 JAMA 720 Postal Shoots per year

- 1st Quarter to be shot in January- March (obviously this year it would be Feb or March)

- 2nd Quarter to be shot in April -June

- 3rd Quarter to be shot in July -September

- 4th Quarter to be shot in October -December

Each quarter would act as its own individual postal shoot with winners for each quarter, and then with an overall winner for highest combined score over the 4 Quarters (3 quarters in 2016)

Archers who are shooting this tournament would need to shoot the scores under the same conditions required of a RMT.

Rules & Fees information (PDF Download)

For Entry details, please contact your Club JAMA Coordinator.